Good Design Collection
Launched by Museum of Unrest
Press Release Spring 2025
Museum of Unrest has released its second online collection #Good Design, featuring
specially commissioned articles about varied aspects of design. An ocean-going tour
boat for musicians? Affordable flexible building design in social spaces? Designers in
climate change campaigns? The politics of post branding? The Good Design
collection brings together designers from different design disciplines answering or
asking the same question – what does good design mean in the world we live in and
what value system should it use? In a world beset with problems like the climate
crisis these questions are crucial to our survival.
Designer Clive Russell who curated the collection said ‘the articles contain common threads
illustrating how we can, and must, design differently.‘ The collection features specially
commissioned articles from designers, architects and practitioners including This Ain’t
Rock’n Roll, architect Sarah Wrigglesworth, post branding specialist Jason Grant, and
design decolonialisation expert Dori Tunstall.
Gita Wolff from Tara Books explores practical aspects of book design and production in
Chennai in her article ‘Designing in Dialogue’, and in Arka Kinari, Claire Fauset describes
how a floating cultural platform has been launched by musical and audio-visual artists
Filastine & Nova, travelling the world by boat and performing dockside to different
Prof. Becky Earley and Clare Farrell discuss art education, fashion and activism.
There are links to many other resources on design for reader to follow up.
About the Museum of Unrest
Museum of Unrest is a charity harnessing the power of art and design to address social and
environmental issues and injustices.
It is a project supported by the educational charity LPS21.
Museum of Unrest is presenting a series of collections of which #Good Design is the second.